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Why It’s A Big Mistake to Cancel the Greener Homes Grant

Published on
April 1, 2024

Until recently, families in Canada could apply to get up to $5,000 to help pay for upgrades that make their homes more energy efficient and therefore reduce their environmental impact. This was thanks to the Green Homes Grant, a program by the government to help families save money on energy bills and do their part to fight climate change. 

In an era of rising costs, government programs like the Greener Homes Grant offer crucial support for families. They slash energy bills while making homes cozier and safer during extreme weather. It's a win-win-win for wallets, the climate and well-being.

That’s why it is especially disappointing for the government to discontinue the grant. 

When it comes to home energy upgrades, money is often the main barrier

Upgrading your home to be more energy efficient takes a village. There are the energy experts who assess your house’s potential for improvements. Then, various trades perform the work. Throughout the process, helps you keep track of all your documents, projects and progress in one place.

Yet, nothing breaks the dream of a more efficient, sustainable and comfortable home more than not being able to pay for it. 

People often use a mix of existing savings and small loans to pay for the upgrades, but that’s sometimes not enough. Government support like the Greener Homes Grant are, for many households, the deciding factor to go ahead.

Stories about Canadians benefitting from the program are all over the internet. Take Anna, in Stratford, Ontario, who is thrilled to no longer depend on natural gas to heat her house. She credits the grant for getting her to make the switch. In total, 53,000 people applied and were approved for the grant since it started in June 2022. 

Experts agree: the grant should be expanded, not canceled

Earlier this year, Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson announced the Greener Homes Grant would be canceled, meaning it no longer accepts new applicants. Those who had already applied prior to the announcement will still get their rebate. 

This is a major setback. After hearing the news, our team at, along with nearly 40 other organizations including energy experts, major non-profits such as Climate Reality Project and Efficiency Canada, and community groups, sent a letter to the Minister asking him to rethink this decision.

Background: a grey house, foreground: box with text "Open Letter to Federal Minister Jonathan Wilkinson" joined organizations like Climate Reality Project, Efficiency Canada and Green Communities Canada to send an open letter to Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson. Read the letter here

The Minister’s explanation for the cancellation was that the program was so successful that it already exhausted the pool of money allocated to it. He announced that another program will be put in place in the future, exclusively for lower income Canadians. 

Specific programs for low income families are crucial: having a safe and energy-saving home should not be a luxury. But shutting out the majority of Canadian households doesn’t make sense, especially when we know that for Canada to reach its climate goal of net zero emissions by 2050, it needs to retrofit 400,000 homes per year! Plus, even families who aren’t low income are facing higher food, energy and healthcare bills than ever before. It's not the right time to take away support.

Having a home that saves energy is still possible for you

The program’s cancellation is a setback that the government should reconsider, but it is far from the only way you can finance energy upgrades for your house. If you live in British Columbia, the CleanBC Homes program still offers you up to $6,000 in grants for your home energy improvements. Loans may also be the solution your household needs, like the federal interest-free Greener Homes Loan which can help you access up to $40,000. 

Many other programs are Province-, or even Municipality-specific. A complete list of public support programs for home energy upgrades is available here

You don’t need to make the leap alone

Home energy upgrades have many benefits, but we know how overwhelming they are when you are getting started. Let Paddio's team take the load off your shoulders.

At Paddio, our mission is to save you the headache by providing you with a step by step game plan for how you can proceed, from assessing your home’s energy efficiency potential to securing the right type of funding for you. 

If you haven’t already, sign up here, and let us guide you through it, without any upfront commitment. Savings and comfort await.

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Aldo de Jong
The Paddio Blog

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